John Biebel - January Scent Project


January Scent Project
Cranston, Rhode Island
Perfumer Since: 2015


John Biebel is an artist, perfumer, writer, and digital user experience designer living and working in the greater Providence area. He’s a graduate of the Cooper Union in New York City where he studied painting and photography. He has also lived and worked in London, UK. His paintings are in private collections in the US, UK, EU, and the Caribbean.

John began his exploration in scent and olfaction design as a freelance writer and editor for Fragrantica, the world’s largest online encyclopedia of perfumes. In this capacity, he’s interviewed perfumers as varied as Alessandro Gualtieri of Nasomatto and Laurice Rahme of Bond No. 9. He began his own line of perfumes, January Scent Project, in 2015. In 2017, he was awarded Rising Star by CaFleureBon for his contributions to scent that year and has appeared in London’s Rakesprogress magazine. John participates in research and meet-ups as part of Subforum, a consortium of designers and thinkers in the greater Cambridge area exploring solutions to contemporary challenges.

He facilitates scent-based lectures and workshops based on the rich historical catalog of perfume’s past, its evolution through the advancement of chemistry, and its modern-day search to replicate a more and more complex palette of environmental smells. He also leads hands-on workshops where participants can experience fragrance composition on their own. In 2018 he expanded his operation to a manufacturing space in Rhode Island completely dedicated to perfume creation.